現在店頭で入手可能な既存のブルーのルミノール ロゴ(PAM01085)は、
The existing blue Luminor Logo (PAM01085) that is available in stores at the moment, is a three-hands watch which includes a small second in place of the 9 o’clock mark.

一方、新たに発表されたルミノール ロゴ(PAM01623)にはスモールセコンドが搭載されておらず、時針と分針のみの非常にシンプルなクラシックウォッチとなっています。その他、付属のセカンダリー ストラップも変更されています。
On the other hand, the newly released Luminor Logo (PAM01623) does not include a small second, making it a very simple classic watch with only an hour and minute hand. Aside from that the included secondary strap has also changed.

PAM01085 (as seen from the first picture) came with a blue calf leather band and a matching rubber strap. Whilst the PAM01623, also comes with a calf leather strap except it is in a beautiful soft beige color. Providing a beautiful contrast with Panerai’s iconic blue sun-brushed dial!
当店を来店下さった多くのお客様から、ブルーのルミノール ロゴも秒針なしで入荷しないかとよく聞かれましたが、パネライは皆様の願いを聞き入れ、それを叶えてくれたようですね!
A lot of customers that have visited our store often ask whether the blue Luminor Logo would also come in without a second hand, and it seems that Panerai have heard our wishes and granted it!

However, some might argue that without a second hand, how would they know if the watch is moving or not. While others may say that a second hand is simply unnecessary and you can tell whether the watch is moving or not, by listening to its sound which adds to its classic retro charm.
しかし、この新作でパネライは、クラシカルなイタリアン ルーツを守りながらも、より幅広い層にアピールすることへのこだわりを再び証明しました。
Regardless, it ultimately comes down to personal preference as both models are desirable in their own way. With this new release, however, Panerai has once again proven their dedication in appealing to a wider range of audience, while still maintaining their classic italian roots.
Are you guys interested in the new Luminor Logo?
Feel free to see the actual item in person at Panerai Kanazawa Boutique!
We will be awaiting your visit!